As a newborn and family photographer, I’m here to ask if you’ve ever thought about getting a Motherhood Session? You may have heard them called “Mommy and me” sessions, or just “Motherhood” sessions and they are typically held just around the Mother’s Day timeframe. Being a mom is one of the most important jobs you will have. That’s why I offer Fort Worth Motherhood Sessions every single year. And I’m going to tell you WHY you need a motherhood session this year.

You are always the one taking the pictures
Go ahead – scroll through your phone and check out the pictures of your children. How many of those are you actually in? I’m going to guess the percentage is pretty small. This is your opportunity to be IN the photos with your children. And luckily, I will move the hair out of your face and tell you to lift your chin when your husband would just snap the photo and move on!

Allows you to be present with your children
As moms, we spend a lot of our days playing referee, cleaning up messes, changing diapers, and making endless snacks. A motherhood session will give you a chance to be truly present and enjoy your children – even if for a short amount of time. You get to play, snuggle, kiss, and breathe in those sweet little ones.

Motherhood sessions are a gift for your children
Your children won’t remember the fancy new toys you bought them or the cool new shoes they had to have. Those will be long gone in the donation pile as they get older. The things they will keep and cherish as they grow into adults will be meaningful, such as pictures of them with you. The value of a photograph is immeasurable, and this will be something that can be passed through the generations.

Your children won’t be little forever
It probably goes without me saying that your children won’t stay babies forever. Motherhood sessions are an opportunity to capture those physical and emotional characteristics that you don’t want to forget. And the best part is that you get to be a part of it. I recommend that my clients schedule yearly motherhood sessions so that they don’t miss out on an opportunity to document this time with their littles.

Motherhood encompasses many seasons and so should your photography session
When you think about a motherhood session, you may just envision a mom with her little children. But, I’m here to tell you that you are most definitely a mom when you’re pregnant. A maternity session is the perfect opportunity to capture those first stages of motherhood, and I’m here for it! Pregnancy is a fleeting time in your motherhood journey and it also deserves to be captured. My kids love seeing pictures of when they were in “mommy’s belly!”

A motherhood session is for YOU
As mothers, it isn’t very often we get to do something for ourselves. It has probably been a while since you scheduled hair and makeup appointments. And I know you’ve been eyeing that beautiful dress but have though, “I don’t have anywhere to wear that.” If you don’t know what to wear, don’t worry, because I offer access to an online styling service for my Motherhood Sessions. Schedule the appointments and buy the dress because it is time you do something for YOU.

This year I am offering Motherhood Petite Sessions both in the studio and at home, because I know there are so many memories that you make with your littles in the comfort of your own home. Do you want to learn more about my sessions? Reach out to me so we can set up some time to chat!
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