Your friend just had a new baby, and you’re not sure how to best support her. I am sharing 5 things to do for a new mom during those first few weeks that she’s home with her new baby. They’re super easy and thoughtful and will make a world of difference to your new mom friend during this time of transition with a newborn at home.

Most important thing to do for a new mom: Respect the family’s wishes
I know you’re so excited that your friend had a baby! This time is different for every family….it could be exciting and they want to share it with everyone, or it could be overwhelming and difficult and they need a little time to settle in.
Before heading to the hospital for a visit or planning on stopping by their home, make sure to ask when the family is ready for visitors.
Everyone’s wishes, needs, and birth experiences are different, so be respectful of their comfort level during this intimate time.

Do something helpful for mom
I know you’re going to want to hold that precious baby when the family is ready for visitors. But, after a few minutes of baby snuggles, plan to do something helpful! Mom will appreciate your help so much! Here’s some ideas….
- Fold some baby laundry while you chat with mama
- Load the dishwasher and start it
- Take the dog for a walk
- Pick up the toddler toys.
- Hand wash some bottles and sterilize them
- Sweep
- Look around and find something that is helpful to take a load off of mom.
Make sure to bring something
When visiting a friend, its always nice to bring a gift. Your new mama friend may be feeling tired and have her hands full, so responsibilities like cooking or a Target run may fall to the wayside. Here are a few ideas of things to bring during your visit:
- Breakfast casserole
- Dinner from her favorite restaurant
- Diapers and wipes
- Healthy snacks
- A simple toy or book for older siblings
- Anything mom may need from Target but hasn’t had a chance to pick up. Ask ahead of time.
- Pick up her curbside grocery order for her.
- Coffee

Ask how she is doing
Its no secret that in our society, once baby is born, the focus shifts to how the baby is doing and off of mom (do I even need to mention maternity leave and post-partum care?) Make sure to ask mom how SHE is because she is important too!
Having a new baby is hard, and sometimes moms need to talk about they are feeling. Be supportive and validate her feelings. Ask her open-ended questions to give her an opportunity to share. And make sure to celebrate her wins as a new mom!

Don’t overstay your welcome
Mom has likely not had much sleep since the new baby has arrived. So while she is probably thrilled that you want to see her and meet her new baby, she is probably exhausted too.
Make your stay brief knowing that this period of time will be short lived and she’ll be back to joining you for girls’ time soon! Or, if the new mom is someone you are close to, offer to take care of the baby for a bit so she can take a much needed nap!

I’d love to hear any other ideas of ways to help mom during this time! Drop them in the comments below!
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